李淑芬老师 追思词

The Wake is at
Blk 647A Bedok Reservoir road till Thursday.
Thursday morning leaving wake at 10am, 11am Cremation @ Hall 1.

Click visual to enlarge for reading.


李淑芬老师 追思词




呜呼哀哉敬爱的老师,您的离别是新加坡的损失, 是徒弟们,再也没有得到名师面授机宜的机会,但您所授予我们的知识与技巧,将铭记于心,并加以发扬。





李淑芬Lee Shu Fen(1925-2012)新加坡华族舞蹈之母 Mother of Singapore Chinese Dance

李淑芬老师 Mdm Lee Shu Fen
B.B.M.(Public Service Star)

Dear Singapore,

We have just lost our Mother of Singapore Chinese Dance, Mdm Lee Shu Fen
on 25th November 2012.

For details of the wake, please wait for our update.


人名。原名石玉秀。1925年10月30日生於南投 集集。台灣第一代的舞蹈家、舞蹈教育家,舞蹈編創家。因受母親工作的影響,自幼即接觸本土的音樂和舞蹈。六歲時在母親任教的集集國小晚會上,首次登台表演,頗得讚譽。自此,學校的大會舞皆由她擔任示範或領舞者,也因此奠定李淑芬在舞蹈教育上的興趣。1940年於草屯中學畢業後,旋赴日本東 京 ,入篠原塾學習日本古典舞與東方舞蹈,又入東京見谷八重子 之舞蹈學校習古典芭雷。1943年返台後,曾在草屯國小任教,1944年嫁至台北李家,婚後隨夫姓,改名李淑芬。民國43年設立舞蹈社,以民族舞蹈作為主要特色,其舞蹈創作有個人舞蹈,也有千人大會舞,1945~1954年李淑芬活躍於台灣的教育界,自大專院校至國民小學(省立師範學院即今國立師範大學、虎尾高中、靜修女中、北市女、蓬萊國小等)皆擔任過舞蹈教學之工作。1953年以山地「賞月舞」獲得當時舞蹈比賽的冠軍與重視。1954年成立其個人舞蹈研究社。李淑芬所編創之舞蹈,除選自各民族和地方性的舞蹈為題材外,更以台灣本土(原住民及漢民族)的生活素材為泉源,如豐獵舞、採茶舞、農家等舞蹈。李淑芬對台灣的學校舞蹈教育有著極重要的貢獻,在社會教育上亦培植了許多優秀的舞蹈人才,如許惠美、蔡雪慧、原文秀、崔蓉蓉、李丹等,即使活躍於演藝界的張小燕亦是她的高足。1961年李淑芬移居新加坡,繼續為拓展舞蹈藝術而努力,而成為新加坡舞蹈文化推廣的重要人物,並獲頒發最高文化榮譽勳章。李淑芬對新加坡的學校舞蹈教育有著極重要的貢獻,在社會教育上亦培植了許多優秀的舞蹈人才。


below footage extracted and edited from World Dance Alliance, Singapore Dance Week 2011 publicity teaser. “What is Dance to Mdm Lee Shu Fen”

About Mdm Lee Shu Fen

Dance is a talent she inherited from her mother. As a child growing up in Taiwan, Lee Shu Fen secretly learnt dance steps while her mother was conducting dancing lessons.

At age of 6, she gave her first dance performance at her mother’s school. Since then there has been no turning back – dance has dominated her body and spirit. Lee Shu Fen began training in Japanese dance and ballet and continued till the age of 16.After furthering her training in various dance forms in Japan, she returned to Taiwan, where her career as a professional dancer took off.

In 1961 she began her journey towards Singapore, a place which she soon began to call ‘home;.

The beginning of the 1970s witnessed the turning of a page in the history of dance in Singapore. Lee Shu Fen was appointed dance instructor, choreographer and performer by the National Dance Company, People’s Association Dance Troupe and Phoenix Dance Troupe. She led the teams out of Singapore for many cultural programmes. She assimilated herself rapidly into the local culture making friends with Indian Dance master Mr. K.P. Bhaskar to learn Indian Dance and with dance artist Nong Chik Gani to learn Malay Dance.

In August 1972 Lee Shu Fen was awarded the B.B.M.(Public Service Star) by President Sheares in recognition of her contribution to the dance industry. She has became an important figure in the Singapore dance scene. Indeed, from 1973 to 1989, the whole of Singapore became her classroom and her stage. A cultural ambassador for Singapore, she has been the pillar of choreography in Chinese Dance and its development in Singapore. Her influence on the growth of the Singapore Chinese Dance Circle has been significant.

From 1989 till 2012, Lee Shu Fen has been teaching dance to senior citizens at community centres in Singapore.

English text extracted from “Lee Shu Fen, A Life in Dance”
All photographs & Newspaper cutting provided by Mdm Lee Shu Fen
used for Singapore Dance Week 2011 Opening Exhibition organised by World Dance Alliance (Singapore)

World Dance Alliance Singapore (WDAS) took the opportunity during Singapore Dance Week 2011 Opening on 21st May 2011 to honor Mdm Lee Shu Fen, for her valuable contribution to Dance in Singapore.In appreciation, she was presented sculptures created by students of CHIJ Our Lady of the Nativity by the Guest of Honour, Mr Viswa Sadasivan.

Photo of taken during Singapore Dance Week 2011 Opening where WDAS took the opportunity to honor two dance pioneers of Singapore, Ms Rose Eberwein(left waving) and our late Mdm Lee Shu Fen(right), for their valuable contribution to Dance in Singapore

another photo taken together. Our late Mdm Lee Shu Fen(left) and Ms Ms Rose Eberwein(right)

Introduction of Zena Rommett/ Floor- Barre /Technic by Ong Lay Keng.

A collaboration with MS Ong Lay Keng.

Date: 14th Dec ,Friday

Time: 3pm -4:30pm.

Venue: P.A. MAD Studio

Limited to 15 pax only and on first come first serve basis.

Interested parties please register Here now.

A confirmation email will be sent to you for your admission.

For more details, please email to cdaa_1984@yahoo.com.sg.

Thank you,


Communications @ CDAA.

Introduction of Ong Lay Keng:

A certified movement analyst, Ms Ong graduated from the Laban/ Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies, New York, 1996. Awarded with the National Arts Council bursary in 1995 for her studies in New York, she was also given a project grant in 1997 from the National Arts Council, Lee Foundation and Arts Fund for her dance production of “Journal of Ah-Man”. In 1999, she was also funded by the National Arts Council for her production “Where Two Ends Meet” which was held at Jubilee Hall.

A professional dancer with the People Association Dance Company from 1980 to 1987, She continued to develop her skill abroad. She studied with Jane Dudley and Juliet Fisher at the London School of Contemporary Dance and moved on to New York to study with Merce Cunningham, Anna Marie Forsy at the Cunningham Studio and the Alvin Ailey American Dance Center, Natasha Baron and Frank Hatchet at the Broadway Dance Center, Simonson Jazz Technique with Laurie Devito at the Dance Space Center and with Zena Rommett who developed the Rommett Floor-Barre Technique, to name a few. Lay Keng is currently teaching at St Anthony’s Canossian secondary School, NanYang Polytechnic and Dance Arts. She is also on the panel for the Arts Education Programme (Dance) under the National Arts Council.

Dance in Thailand: Cultural Exchange Programme

Date: Tuesday Apr 24, 2012

Time: 03:00 PM – 05:00 PM

Venue: Level 5 – Possibility in National Library Building

A collaboration with the National Library Board.

Dance in Thailand: Cultural Heritage Alive Prof Chommanad of SuanSunandha Rajabhat University will lead her students of the Dance Department to present a lecture-cum-demonstration of dances from Thailand. It will help Singaporeans to understand and appreciate the rich dance heritage of Thailand. The programme will include a 20 minute lecture on Dance in Thailand and a 30 minute dance performance. Dances to be performed include “The Pursuit of Supana Matcha”, “Hmak-Kub-Kab (Krab) Dance”, “Theut-Thung Dance”, and “Chon Kai Dance”.







Since its establishment in 1984, the Chinese Dance Artistes’ Association (CDAA) has united local Chinese dance artistes together to promote Chinese cultural dance in Singapore. In 1992, the CDAA became a corporate member of People’s Association, bringing about a closer relationship between the 2 organisations. This has enabled CDAA to reach out further to the Chinese community, as well as participate in cultural activities organised by other cultural groups.

For 28 years, CDAA continues to organise dance courses for local Chinese dance artistes and students. Local dance veterans such as Mdm Lee Shu Fen and Dr Chua Soo Pong were invited to conduct some of these courses.

In 1994, CDAA organised the dance performance “Dancing In Unity”. This was followed by performances of the same series in 1998 and 2000. CDAA also organised a “National Chinese Dance Competition” in 1999, which attracted more than 300 participants from 34 local dance groups.

In 2003, CDAA organised “A Mid-Autumn Dance Celebration” at the Hong Lim Park to promote interest in Chinese Dance.

With the development of Singapore’s Arts scene towards the modern and the abstract, CDAA aims to encourage creativity while retaining the essence and ‘flavour’ of Chinese Dance.